Empowering Growth: The Partnership Between Bindaree Food Group and FIP Group

09 May 2024

Fip   May Bindaree

FIP Group proudly collaborates with Bindaree Food Group, an integrated beef supply chain business operating under the paddock-to-plate model, with a workforce of 1,200 individuals across New South Wales and Queensland. Here, we delve into the dynamic partnership between Bindaree Food Group and FIP Group, highlighting its significant impact on the recruitment landscape within the company with over 300 PALM workers and more than 100 local employees and backpackers engaged across the business. 

Diversified recruitment strategies

The team at FIP Group has been working with businesses in regional and rural locations for a number of years and understood the need for multiple recruitment channels to ensure a continued consistent workforce for Bindaree Food Group across their production locations.

FIP Group have provided a range of recruitment strategies from local recruitment to holiday visas as well as the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) Scheme. 

"FIP Group has offered valuable support to tackle the challenges in attracting labour to our primary processing facility in Inverell. We explored various avenues with FIP Group, which included leveraging local recruitment, backpackers and holiday makers and more recently, workers from the Pacific Islands under the PALM Scheme,” said Todd. 

Positive impacts on operational efficiency 

The PALM Scheme has been a significant aspect of the collaboration, proving to be immensely beneficial for both Bindaree Food Group and the PALM workers.

“We've got over 300 PALM team members at our Inverell facility from countries including Fiji, Solomon Islands, Samoa and Papua New Guinea which is excellent. They’ve been so valuable to our operation, ensuring our Inverell plant remains at full capacity, running two shifts efficiently,” said Todd. 

“The PALM Scheme has been wonderful for our business and I understand for the wider food processing industry as well as the individuals. Without the support of the PALM workers provided by FIP Group, our operational landscape would have looked vastly different,” he said. 

The PALM Scheme not only presents benefits for businesses with a reliable and dedicated workforce but also workers who are able to send income home to support their families and communities. 

“You hear some great stories about how life changing these opportunities are and what this income can do back in country. Seeing and hearing the stories personally is truly impactful. I've taken team members in and out of town from site, and hearing what this opportunity to work in Australia has meant for them individually and for their families back home is rewarding. I feel proud to be a part of the workforce here, and help support this excellent program,” said Todd. 

Fostering skills development

One notable outcome of the collaboration with the FIP Group has been the professional growth and development of PALM workers within Bindaree Food Group, where workers develop tangible skills they can apply when they return to their countries. 

“We've seen continuously within the business where team members come in very new to the industry, they’re just starting out in quite often entry level roles, but certainly progressing all the way through to senior skilled roles across the business, whether that be in the boning room or the slaughter floor process,” said Todd. 

“This is a really exciting and rewarding opportunity for them. A number of team members are also getting qualifications such as Certificate II and III in Meat Processing which is great.”

FIP Group’s on site support

The on-site presence of FIP Group's account management team was particularly highlighted as instrumental in fostering seamless collaboration between the two businesses. 

“I think it's managed really well. The full employee cycle from start to finish and everything in between - from the whole process of recruiting and onboarding and getting team members started. What's been really good with FIP Group is the on-site team who sit right beside our people team so we really see it as one big team working together,” said Todd. 

Streamlined support

With streamlined support and regular communication, the partnership between FIP Group and Bindaree Food Group has facilitated operational expansion and a collaborative environment. 

“The support not only our from the local team but the support the wider FIP Group team provides is also very good in being able to network and connect people - certainly having those resources that FIP Group have playing in that space helps,” said Todd. 

"As Bindaree Food Group expands its operations, the partnership with FIP Group remains pivotal. The shared values and strategic alignment between the two organisations continue to drive success and growth.”