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Equal Employment Opportunity Policy


FIP Group (the Company) is an equal opportunity Employer. At all stages of the employment relationship (recruitment and selection, terms and conditions of work, training and professional development opportunities, promotion and transfer, retirement, retrenchment and termination) employees will be treated on their merits and valued according to how well they perform their duties.

One of the core values of the Company is to treat people equally, fairly, and with respect. This Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) policy is designed to ensure employees are treated accordingly and that diversity is encouraged and welcomed within the company. Discrimination will not be tolerated anywhere in which the Company has a presence and this policy is designed to promote an equal and open work environment for all employees to ensure that it meets its obligations under the various Commonwealth and State Legislation.

The Company is committed to an equitable and inclusive work environment and has implemented policies and procedures to promote a discrimination and harassment free work environment. These policies and procedures also ensure that all employees have equal opportunity to express their ideas and opinions and that these expressions are equally encouraged and valued by all employees.


This policy applies to all employees, including:

  • full time, part time, casual, permanent or temporary;

  • contract or commission workers;

  • volunteers, vocational and work experience placements.

It applies to employees whilst:

  • At the Company premises

  • Attending work-related interactions with fellow employees, and with clients, candidates and other stakeholders;

  • Fulfilling work-related obligations;

  • At the Host Company/stakeholder premises; and/or

  • At a Company sponsored or funded functions or activities during and/or outside working hours.

Other actions by employees outside working hours may also fall within the scope of this policy if there is an impact on the employee’s ability and/or suitability to do his/her job or the actions bring the Company into disrepute.


Equity principles are a core element of the planning, recruitment, interview, selection and appointment of new employees of the Company. Equal opportunities mean ensuring that employment policies and practices are based on, and operate, according to the principle of merit. The Company is therefore committed to ensuring that its employment practices are free from any unlawful and illegal discrimination.


·         The Company is responsible for ensuring that equal employment opportunities exist for all current and future employees. Each employee will be selected and/or promoted according to merit with major importance being placed on the expected future performance of the employee, irrespective of personal attributes.

·         Diversity is any collective mixture characterised by differences and similarities. In relation to employees, diversity can refer to function, experience, discipline, education, socio economic background, marital status, personality profile, gender, age, language, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, religion, family responsibility, etc.

·         Diversity is not just about increasing visible differences in the workforce; it is about the strategic advantages that come from incorporating a wide variety of approaches and perspectives.

·         Managing diversity is about creating an environment in which everyone can achieve his or her full potential. Employees are happier and more productive if they are appreciated and included, not assimilated or tolerated.

·         Improved innovation and creativity are documented benefits of diversity. Teams that are diverse and inclusive find more innovative, feasible and effective ways to overcome challenges. They bring a variety of perspectives and experiences to a situation and thus offer a wider range of solutions.


Discrimination and Harassment

The Company believes that all employees should be able to work in an environment free from bullying, discrimination, and harassment. The Company is committed to eliminating unlawful discrimination against or in line with the expectations of relevant State and Federal legislation. The Company has a Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment Policy and a Grievance Resolution Policy. These policies outline forms of discrimination and harassment and remedies available within the Company.


Rights and Responsibilities

Equal Opportunity laws give rights and responsibilities to employees, both current and potential, and to employers.

All employees have:

·         A responsibility to be actively involved in the promotion of equal opportunity and diversity, and removing potential barriers to those groups in which the Company has a presence in.

·         A responsibility in ensuring their workplace is free from discrimination, harassment and bullying. Comprehensive procedures for dealing with allegations of unfair treatment, unlawful discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying are dealt with in accordance with the relevant policies.

·         A responsibility to comply with this policy; report incidents to their managers and not to participate in discriminatory or harassing behaviour.

Managers have:

·         A right to manage, direct and monitor work performance and provide legitimate comment on performance or work related behaviour.

·         A responsibility to ensure that the workplace and goods and services offered are free from discrimination, sexual harassment and victimisation.

·         A responsibility to model appropriate behaviour; promote this policy; treat all complaints seriously and attend to them promptly; monitor the work environment and seek expert help for complex or serious matters.

·         A responsibility for ensuring that people who make complaints, or who are witnesses, are not victimised in any way.

Employees have:

·         A right for employment decisions to be made based on merit.

·         A right to be protected by their employers from these behaviours.

·         A right to lodge a complaint in accordance with the Grievance Resolution Policy.

·         A responsibility not to discriminate against, sexually harass or victimise other staff, customers or clients.

·         A responsibility to be familiar with the detail of this, and related, policies.

Procedural Steps

The procedures for the effective implementation of this policy include strategies, actions and targets. The policy focuses on diversity inclusion and diversity management, underpinned with equity principles. These strategies and actions reinforce to all employees, in particular managers, that equity and diversity principles and practice should underpin their decision making, daily operation and management of professional relationships.

Consequences of non compliance

Failure to comply with the policy may result in consequences outlined in the Disciplinary Policy which may include termination of employment.

Related Documents

·         Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination Policy

·         Grievance Resolution Policy

·         Disciplinary Policy


·         Australian Capital Territory – Discrimination Act 1991

·         New South Wales – Anti-Discrimination Act 1977

·         Northern Territory – Anti-Discrimination Act 1996

·         Queensland – Anti-Discrimination Act 1991

·         South Australia – Equal Opportunity Act 1984

·         Tasmania – Anti-Discrimination Act 1998

·         Victoria – Equal Opportunity Act 2010

·         Western Australia – Equal Opportunity Act 1984.

·         Age Discrimination Act 2004

·         Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986

·         Disability Discrimination Act 1992

·         Racial Discrimination Act 1975

·         Sex Discrimination Act 1984

Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed at least annually (or more frequently if necessary due to technical or other business policy requirements).